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SAAM Development Public Company Limited

SAAM Development Public Company Limited ("SAAM"): The group of companies' businesses can be classified into 2 categories as follows:

Business Unit 1: Renewable Energy Project Development

1.1 Project site procurement and rendering of related services

1.2 Renewable energy project development

1.3 Renewable energy project development in accordance with client's requirements

Business Unit 2: Investment

2.1 Renewable energy project investment

2.2 Investment in energy-related business

2.3 Investment in non-energy-related business

Total Revenues THB 18.91 million

Net Profit THB 4.07 million

Debt to Equity Ratio 0.22 times

Stock and Financial Information

Stock Quote

  • Stock Symbol : SAAM
  • Latest Done : 7.80 THB
  • Change : -0.15 (-1.89%)
  • Volume (Shares) : 50,100
Stock Quote Chart

Annual Report 2023 (Thai Version)

Financial Statement Quater 1/2024

Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1/2024

Latest Presentations

AGM 2024 (Thai Version)