SAAM Development Public Company Limited recognizes and places emphasis on the right and equitability of all shareholders including Thai investors, foreign investors, minority investors, and institutional investors. As such, the Company has the policy to facilitate shareholders in attending shareholders' meetings as follows.

  • Provide adequate, complete, and up-to-date business information through the SET website and company website
  • Provide the opportunity for shareholders to propose meeting agenda, nominate persons for directorship, and submit questions regarding the meeting in advance
  • Disclose resolutions passed by the Board of Directors' meeting in relation to the scheduling of shareholders' meetings and meeting agenda items through the SET website and company website no later than the next working day from the date which such resolution was passed
  • Provide information in the meeting invitation regarding documents required to attend the meeting and the process of granting proxy, as well as facilitate the granting of proxy for shareholders who are unable to attend the meeting in person by making available stamp duty
  • Allow shareholders to register for the meeting attendance 2 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time
  • Ensure a transparent and efficient system in holding meetings which are in compliance with the law and the Company's Articles of Association
  • Facilitate shareholders in terms of meeting venue, registration staff, and IT system for registration and processing of voting results
  • Provide all shareholders with equal opportunities to express opinion or inquire, by allocating sufficient time and recording key questions and recommendations from shareholders in the meeting minutes
  • Disclose resolutions passed by the shareholders' meeting together with voting results through the SET website no later than the next working day from the date of the meeting
  • Submit minutes of the shareholders' meetings to relevant regulatory authorities and publish on the company website within 14 days from the date of the meeting
  • Delegate Investor Relations to liaise, coordinate, and facilitate the contact between the Company and investors
2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Proposing Agenda and Nominating Directors in Advance
Guidelines for Proposing Agenda and Nominating Persons to be Elected as Director Download